by Magnapath/ on 12 Mar, 2020


So many companies today are relying on external resources for their marketing activities. Marketing outsourcing has many benefits! Studies show that, more companies around the world are outsourcing their marketing operations to marketing firms, and that this will continue to grow.

Why do companies choose to outsource marketing?

  • It saves them time and energy: Marketing is a very dynamic feed, you need to keep up with the latest development and tactics in the market, which means companies need to train their employees so they will be qualified. But most companies do not have the time and money to do this, so it is safer to outsource!
  • Access to talent pool: Another common reason is this, outsourcing marketing gives you the opportunity to hire the highly qualified people in the field.

Other reasons include:

  • Frees internal resources for core business functions
  • Increases efficiency for time-consuming tasks
  • Regular communication and support

Below are the 10 benefits you can get from outsourcing marketing:

1. Access to the best and latest technology: Marketing agencies do invest greatly in getting the best technology in the market, which provides their customers with the needed services. It is also useful to run their campaigns, which means when you outsource to these firms, you can get access to all these latest and cutting-edge technologies for marketing too.

2. No need to worry about your employees’ unavailability: Employees asking for time off cannot be avoided in an organization, and this can be a significant cause of issues for marketing teams, even though it is a necessary thing to do. Your employees are entitled to go for important leaves such as medical reasons, childbirth, etc. Instead of this leaving a void in your organization, you can outsource the work without overwhelming other team members.

3. Gives access to fresh strategies or ideas: As marketing personnel, sometimes, we get stuck in a repeated pattern, we most times stick with the same strategies or tactics, we repeat them from time to time without trying to explore other options. Outsourcing is a great way to get out of this endless loop, and it gives you access to different people from different backgrounds who have fresh ideas and perspectives on your business and are ready to offer them to promote your business.

4. Assurance of optimization in your business: Outsourced team have the responsibility to prove to you they are generating ROI. You can be rest assured that the teams are committed and are making sure you get the results you paid for.

5. Increase Your Flexibility and Agility: Many companies are not equipped to take advantage of marketing opportunities even when they finally arise. Outsourcing, on the other hand, gives you the flexibility and agility to launch some online marketing activities on an as-needed basis, thereby letting you progress according to your current needs without disrupting your core business flow.

6. Saves Money: Forming an in-house marketing team with workers with competency as the ones that work for marketing agencies will cost you a lot of money, especially for start-up companies, this might be too much to bear. The cost to outsource to a marketing agency is much lower, and the rate is lower than assembling an in-house team.

7. Expand your reach and presence: Marketers have numerous channels by which they can reach customers, and these days, it feels virtually endless. If you want to increase the opportunity for reaching your audience, outsourcing to a marketing agency or managed services provider will be your best bet. They can help you expand your online and offline presence in a new or existing marketing channel for your team.

8. An outside perspective can be highly beneficial: Outside perspective can be highly valuable and beneficial to your business when it comes to marketing. It is easy to spot an opportunity, and it is also possible for you or your team to have failed to capitalize on these hacks, which could have been a steppingstone to move your project forward.

9. Opens you to new markets: It cannot be over-emphasized that marketing has no geographical limits! With social media ads and AdWords campaigns, you can reach new targets and new markets. However, it should be known that creating these advertising campaigns will require a high skill set and knowledge of these media. You cannot improvise this, so you should surround yourself with people that can do that for you. Outsource!

10. Reduces internal employees’ workload: Too many workloads for your marketing team can lead to burn-out and can make them start looking for new job opportunities. You can reduce your employees’ workload by outsourcing to an agency or managed services provider, thereby keeping your marketing team members happy, this will make them focus on the parts of their jobs they find most intriguing and rewarding.

The way Companies keep up with changes in marketplace today is through outsourcing marketing. They leverage this opportunity to deliver high level of productivity their in-house resources are unable to provide. These marketing agencies help your organization to grow, ranging from guidance in creating a social media presence to creating public relations strategy. Paying for a marketing agency should only be considered if there is assurance that they will give value that moves your business in the right direction.
